All my questions about the website, the service, and my part in it have been answered.
I understand that my participation is voluntary, and I freely consent to participate.
I confirm that the data uploaded to iSearchme belongs to me or that I was explicitly authorized by the data owner to submit it on his or her behalf.
I expressly authorize the collection, processing, use, and disclosure of my data based on current knowledge and research of ichrogene USA Inc. as indicated in Privacy Policy.
I consent to ongoing analysis of iSearchme and use of my genetic raw data as described herein.
I permit ichrogene USA Inc. to contact me.
I understand that iSearchme may lead to new, or expanded products, research tools, or inventions that have financial value. By accepting the terms of this consent,
I understand and agree that I will not be able to share in the profits from future commercialization of products developed.
I understand that iSearchme service is for educational, informational, and research purposes. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I will consult with a healthcare professional/genetic counselor if I have any medical or health-related concerns or questions. I understand that ichrogene USA Inc. has the right to change the Term of Consent in the future.
I understand that I have not given up any of my legal rights by accepting this Term of Consent.
I am free to withdraw my consent at any time.
I understand that results may be published and cannot be destroyed.
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